Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Stand in line....quietly, please!

okay twitchy you think that by standing behind me just off in the corner of my peripheral vision with your bad body language, hands on your hips and your gym chomping, ever so subtly punctuated by your annoying 'ummmmph" is going to encourage me to move any faster or make the ATM process my transactions any quicker???? Think again....I saw you sitting in your suburban armored vehicle as I pulled into the parking spot next to were busy chatting away on your cell, two tennis rackets in your passenger's were happy to idle away time and money...that is until you saw a potential, i might actually get to that empty ATM first...oh no!!!
So you quickly ended your call and flew out of your car...but alas, you were to late...i had my hand on the door and whereas i would have otherwise held it for you allowing you to enter first, i crossed the threshold and held the door backwards so that i was polite enough not to have it smack you in the crept up behind me and let out the first annoying 'ummmph' of our brief encounter...

i was doing a quick drive by shop yesterday for my boys...jeans, boxers, socks...etc, the basics...a woman at the front register had been arguing with the cashier since the time a walked in...when i found myself on a long line due to her shenanigans i got into the line zone...look around, make mental lists and if all else fails strike up a utilitarian conversation with the first person online that smiles in your direction...the woman in front of me smiled...she and our cashier both commented on the shenanigans woman and were in agreement that people feel very entitled...i gave them a breif retelling of my ATM story...they laughed...and when the woman in front of me check out she turned and handed me her 20% off take that ummmph and shenanigan ladies...i just got myself a discount!!