Sunday, March 20, 2011

really that's your chair....

....really...than if it is your chair why is your nasty ass not in it....why is your name not on it.....why did you just say that's my chair and continue to exchange one up's with your neighbor who you just bumped her kid made the 'A' team and your kid got into the college of his choice and her little Johnny  got the staring role in the school play...and you went to the hottest new vacation spot and she just got into a country club...this is all fascinating and amazing...i could give a rats just laid claim to a chair that i had been politely waiting for and yet although your hand is on the back of it your ass is still business partner and i took our number...ordered our food...cased the joint for a table for two...came up short by a chair and waited patiently for a vacancy to pull over to our lunch locale...while i had my back to the seating section to say hi to a friend you walked in the door, shimmied yourself between me and the chair i had been waiting for and became yours...i actually thought i could explain nicely that we had been waiting for that chair...your response....well i don't see you in it so i guess you are not using it....really....scary part is that you then chatted up a blue streak...looked to your lunch mates for approval of your awful behavior and dragged the chair across the my absolute horror you pulled your chair up to a table with my Dr's wife who belongs to my fancy ass country club and she sat there idly as you parted me from my seating and thus my lunch...your arrogance was amazing...fascinating...i really wanted to know if you thought what you did was right...or nice...or even justified...but you smugly sashayed away with my seating...hung your decrepit fur coat on the back and made your way to the counter to put in your lunch order....what stopped me from heading right over to your coffee clutch and stealing back the seat...well...i really did not want to stoop to your level...i knew i could blog about it...but frankly it took all my willpower not to walk over to you....stick my chest out and interrogate your for your nasty behavior....what about kindness...treat your neighbor like you would like to be treated...maybe i should pull the chair right out from under you...well i found a table with two chair...mine unfortunately was facing right across to you...i was so distracted wondering if you and your friends really felt okay with what just happened...i was embarrassed i can only imagine what everyone in the store must of thought of one up'd me as well...oh really next time you are looking for a seat, a parking spot or getting into a que (line) think about the other people in your general proximity and consider if in your haste you may have inadvertently skipped a step and gone out of turn...apologize it actually feels good...but if you really needed my chair to make yourself feel better...well you got it!!!

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