Saturday, February 5, 2011

Gratitude or Revenge

Simply put which feels better...and i think the honest answer is both...but revenge is a dirty word and gratitude implies grace and spirituality...but in the end everything we do is to make ourselves feel better...i think gratitude...i enjoy saying please and thank you...and actually i love sending a thank you note and letting people in my life, both strangers and intimates knows that i am thankful for them...i also believe that we protect ourselves and our loved ones and that wrong doers need to be addressed...i think we each need to protect one another...that we need to be on the lookout and have a Jungian approach to kindness...collectively we need to protect...but in a land of sorely lacking manors and desire for pretense we often fall prey to the old adage - keep your friends close but your enemies and those that could become enemies closer...sometimes it is easier to assume sally will be okay but you better pay attention to uber-jane or she wont be your friend and she might seek revenge...send sally a note...let her know that you are grateful...actions are what we have and we have the ability to choose and our choices affect those around us...don't' make excuses out loud or to yourself
 ...we live in a world of subprime, post the post we communicate in strange and unique ways which can often lead to confusion...choose your words carefully...words have been distilled to single letters and entire phrases end up as three letters which idk...'f' get substituted for 'p'...numbers show up in place of letters and we must limit our character count to under 200...what communication can be derived from this...yes a quick thank you...9 characters including the space 10 if you add the exclamation how can we actually be honest and communicate how we feel so as to show gratitude, respect and emotion...
revenge is is  raw and full of emotion and needs as little space as 'thank you' to be communicated...when i think revenge i think of letting someone know that they suck and what they did sucks and so on and so forth of their suckiness...however that person is most likely impervious to your reverse suck attack...if they cared and were civil they would have given some thought to their actions and communications and you would not have been subjected to their sucky behavior in the first what to do...send them a short bbm, im, aim, or ping them...let them know they in fact suck...send a note telling them how you feel...very '70's encounter group style...ignore them...or kill them with have options...lots of them...the dispenser of suck type people infact kill others with kindness and have them all tricked up thinking they are nice, good and honest people..they send thank you notes, host you for dinner, send flowers all to hid their toxic really there is a pattern and shades of gray...we are all capable of both ends of the spectrum it is how we balance the two that makes us who we perhaps if those who are honest and not full of pretense spread the gratitude...and those who are perpetrators of suck and associated behavior realize it is not all coming to them...that they need to say thank you, be grateful and act accordingly our collective environment would be greatly consider reaching out...mending a bridge...sticking up for a friend who has been wronged...send a note, share a thought..communicate sooner and you wont need revenge....and if you fall prey to a perpetrator of suck...take pity on them, they are sad people who can't see past their own satisfaction...if you need revenge kill them with kindness...say an extra thank you on their behalf...your gratitude is appreciated.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Use more ellipses.