Thursday, May 13, 2010

Not living your life

Really when did it become okay to not do anything. I see houses with bags of laundry on their front door waiting to be picked up because the cleaning lady does not do shirts...i bump into neighbors picking up dinner at neighbor has about 3 people in for each kid i guess...everyone has a personal trainer rather than going for a walk...not to mention how can these girls not know how to put gas in their cars and trucks...really you have a 9,000sq foot house and the gas tank is off is that what do they do...organize; have parties so that they can leave people off the list, coordinate car pools so their kids can ride with the in crowd, have lunch out so folks know who their friends are and get their hair blown out because curls and frizz are just oh so messy....get busy are not that hair still looks bad...the trainer is not working....and your kids could use some attention....

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