Wednesday, May 26, 2010

...really, i already told you NO Reply All

For the love of g-d please stop with the reply all....we all know who is on the distribution...unless you do the sneaky bcc format...which really is so much fun...the question if work that one out for pet peeve is the reply all...okay i am fairly certain that you think you are interesting and that everyone on the list is all too interested in your response...i mean it's not like working mom and mom at home with kiddies can't revile the president with please why do you need to cram up my mail box with reply all father always said 'don't talk just hear year yourself, have something to say' answer in the replay all is not what what he meant...i am sure that you want everyone to know that little johnny was invited to the case mom missed seeing your email on the 85 person distribution list to the 12 year old b-day party...but really don't reply all so that you can tell the 84 other families that you are going to be out of town and that is why your dear sweet johnny can't make it...just in case they needed to know so that when their little angel who is looking for an issue comes home and tells his mommy that your johnny was not there you dear friend can respond appropriately 'oh no worries johnny is out of town'....similarly i don't need to know that Sally has a stomach ache.. Hannah had her hair done...and Becky had botox...all excellent reasons not to participate in the meeting at hand...but really what are you trying to communicate en mas...this is the opposite of the omission of truth...which is really the same difference...look at me i am trying to call attention to myself...shut up and wear beige...and for pete's sake stop with the reply all...unless you get a message from the president!!!

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