Saturday, April 17, 2010

The Freedom of NO

I just read a simple tweet ( @TheDaringWoman) that mentioned saying many people just refuse to say no...i take it as a personal affront...seriously who can't say no and why does it bother me so much that they wont. I don't like to have to say no...i feel like i am letting someone down...i figured why say NO just cram one more thing into my day...i'll try to say yes and rearrange my day to accommodate...but saying NO is just so much more rewarding and liberating...there is a thrill do accomplishing a great deal in your day...eight trips across 287...a trip to the Dr....blood a dinner date...BUT...saying NO is great...i value my time...i give plenty and saying NO shows the respect i have for myself...i am self centered but not selfish...saying NO is much more about me than anything else...but why does it irk my when someone else says yes..."i will drive"..."i will chaperon"..."i will...i will...i will"...what are they one can do it other than 'me'...'i' need to be involved involved in EVERYTHING...'i' have nothing better to do...get a life...say yes once in a while...but respect yourself and so NO...and if you say yes...please, please don't complain about everything you have to do...i am too self centered to be bothered by your self created troubles...but when you crash and burn i will be there to get you a cup of coffee and give you a break...xox. lbw

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