Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Reply All Sucks

Really you want me to play on your team but shouted out to the entire distribution list that i dropped out!! seriously where did you come from...Reply All is the most passive aggressive form of communication. First off on a practical note it crams up my email and i really don't care what most people have to say on why and why not this that or the other thing...do you really need to let everybody know that your kid was invited to sally or jonny's birthday party but has chosen a better offer...really like we care...to date i have simply found Reply All just annoying...last week however the Reply All was directed at me...I said i would join the a woman's sports team at my club...i made this decision back in the fall...a lifetime ago...before i knew what works and my high school and middle school kids would have for me on their spring agenda (subject for another post) and what would be going on with work...so now it comes down to it...commitment time, pick which matches you can play in...i give it a great deal of thought...including the fact that blackberry communication is strictly prohibited...i cant play if i can't blackberry...just a fact of my life...so i send a lovely note to the sender, and only the sender...thanking her for the efforts, saying that i have lots going on and simply to much to jungle to commit and that the commitment is making my anxious...blah, blah, blah...what i was expecting at a minimum was a polite 'thank you anyway' and on a good day i thought some acknowledgment of understanding (since the person on the other end of the email is enough older that i thought she might get where i am in my lift) Instead i became of victim of the Reply All...she sends a note to the entire distribution list telling everyone that i have dropped out and now they need some heroes to make up for my absence...Now frankly on a practical note they needed heroes before...and had i played i would have been one of the heroes...but now i am just  chopped liver and new heroes are needed...so why are the other folks on the distribution list not being taken to task they were not stepping up to fill the open spots...why not a replay all about each person...why me...well i am doing a Reply All to you mrs. sender...i don't like your reply all...it was mean and unnecessary...you hurt my feelings and as a leader myself i would never treat my potential members that way in front of other members...we don't want to be afraid of you we want to play with you and have you champion us...thanks for the Reply All and please keep me on your distribution list!!!

1 comment:

Elaine said...

Good For You!! I love that you're your own person.